Thursday, July 06, 2006

Bees in a Bird Bath

It has been intensely hot and dry here lately, (it is after all a desert), and the old agua is evidently in short supply. The bees have discovered our bird bath, as have the birds. They share the water in apparent harmony. Posted by Picasa


SierraBella said...

It's been pretty hot here too.
I try and spray some extra water in tree canopies to allow the insects something to drink.
Hope you're loving your new house.
Have you planted another plum tree yet? (It doesn't look like you have room for any more trees, though!)

dre said...

Ah, yes, I should spray the trees too.
Loving the new house more than I imagined – always busy.
Nope, no room for a plum tree here, but the orange and grapefruit trees in the back are yummy. ;)