Saturday, December 18, 2010

~ 2010 Summary ~

* Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Eid, Winter Solstice and Happy New Year! *

"Times they are a-changin." – Bob Dylan
This year many of our friends will read this missive on Facebook or a blog. Others by email. And a few will get a delivery from the post man.

I'd like to announce that Jane and I got married but it seems the year has flown by without that auspicious occasion taking place. In any event, we are so married that friends call us "husband" and "wife." But I have come to realize that we probably need a little help from our friends to plan the ceremony and make it so. Any volunteers?

CJ, Jane's son, has merged his film editing skills with Internet savvy and has a good business going. He is spending Xmas in Spain with his girlfriend, Meggie. Lauren, Jane's daughter, pursued photography studies and it seems her future degree is leaning towards the Arts. Some of her work is quite marvelous.

Jane's jewelry is a hot item. Just last week another celebrity bought a selection of her designs. The partner store changed hands but is doing well. Jane is also considering other avenues for a bigger game.

Rain, my granddaughter, is two and traveling around with mom and dad, but still spends time with Aunty Tashania.

The family in Clearwater, Cape Town and other parts of the world are doing fine too.

Jane has been very active as a volunteer with our church. I have continued coordinating the Los Angeles chapter of the Dianetics Running Team. We have had some fun races and a few young guys on the team are actually winning races outright.

I haven't been rock climbing for ages but I have taken up surfing! It has been a slow learning process but I find myself ever excited to go catch that next wave. I'm addicted! It has even been cutting into my running time!

Photography is ever a passion too and I head the LEVEL Photographers group at work.

We bade a tearful goodbye to the Porsche, but at 357,000 miles (574 000 Km) it was time. I won't publish here the speed I did on the last day I drove her – suffice it to say I do miss that high performance. The new kid is a Pruis named "Hy," or "Hi" for short. Some great design went into this car, not the least of which is it is not very thirsty.

I have fallen in love again. This time with the California Central Coast. I work in San Luis Obispo during the week and go home to Jane on weekends. I rent in nearby Morro Bay and early mornings find me in the ocean with a surfboard. Surf, seals and sunshine. Life is good!
Now I just have to get the family to move up there with me.

We wish you and yours a New Year of flourishing and prospering and – winning! Please drop me a line, I love to hear from you.

From Collages

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Year 2009 Summary

The unfortunate news of 2009 was that our Internet startup business which had so much hope was laid to rest and we all moved on to other things, poorer and wiser. Which led me to a contract in Utah.

Overstock turned out to be a remarkable company. They wanted me to become a full time employee and Jane and I seriously considered relocating to Salt Lake City. I started a love affair with the Wasatch Mountains, running the trails and taking many photographs. I feel privileged to have experienced the wildflowers that flourish in the summer – breathtakingly vibrant and abundant – I have never seen anything quite like it. I would fly home to California for monthly visits and Jane visited me too.

Big news is that Jane said "Yes!" I proposed in a romantic moment during one of my visits. She has set a tentative date later in 2010.

More big news was that CJ, Jane's son, graduated from the Pasadena Art Center College of Design with a degree in Film Editing. He and his associates have started a new company. He is incredibly talented and with his drive I predict he will go far.

Lauren, Jane's daughter, became an avid bicycle rider, participating in group rides far and wide. (And she got her brother riding too.) She started working and is surveying colleges to further her education.

Jane continues to make an artistic mark with her fabulous jewelry designs. She is also becoming more business savvy and is exploring expansion options.
I created a shopping cart for her web site. Feel free to try it!

Can you believe that Rain, my granddaughter, is now more than a year old and running around? She is the cutest little girl.
Taron is proving to be a good father and Tashania a good aunty.

Dalmain, my father, passed away in his sleep just after Christmas. He led a remarkable life and we thank him and wish him well.

Jane continues to be active n our church. My sojourn curtailed involvement with the Dianetics Running Team, but that should change now that I have started a new job in San Luis Obispo, which is in Southern California. (Jane is happy I can be home every weekend!)

We wish you and yours a New Year in which you flourish and prosper and a New Decade with a bright future! Please drop me a line, I love to hear from you.

Let the new decade begin!

In Memoriam - Dalmain

The old man has moved on. We loved him so.

The loss is what we feel and it is what it is. But I want us to remember the lighter side, the fun person, the dynamic businessman he was. And the father. I think he would appreciate that.

I remember, as a very young lad, climbing Rhino Peak in his beloved Drakensberg. That night a ferocious storm lashed us as we took shelter under a ledge near the edge of a precipice. He slept on the outside so that I wouldn't fall. He was so mad when I backed out of going to St. Johns. He taught me to sail.

I admire the winner in him. I've never won a marathon or been a millionaire. And he was of course quite brilliant. I so enjoyed his insouciance, his spirit of play. His practical jokes are family folklore and we should make an effort to write them down. I think he would enjoy being remembered for his playfulness.

I want to honour him for being a pioneer Scientologist in the early days, bringing Scientology to the Eastern Province. That religion has meant so much to me personally that I will be forever grateful to him for making it available for me to discover.

Charming, good looking, forever young! He sets a grand example in so many respects, I think you'll agree. I believe he is doing fine right now, free from physical encumbrance, and he deserves a great new life filled with further adventures.

Go Pops! With all my love.